Tarot Card Meaning — Card Meaning
King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Posted by John Taylor on
Card Description
The King of Swords sits confidently on his throne and stares directly at the reader. This illustrates his master intellect and ability to get things done. This shouldn't be seen as an example of toxic masculinity however as his High Priestess robe and sickled throne suggest a convergence of masculine and feminine attribut...
Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Posted by John Taylor on
Card Description
The Queen of Swords uses her master intelligence to help those around her. Instead of using her sword to cut others down, she use it to defend other. The queen rules unbiasedly, and commands the element of air to breath life into the world she lives i...
Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Posted by John Taylor on
Card Description
The Knight of Swords is the most energetic card in all of tarot. The knight and horse leap into the card, charging against the wind to some unknown destination. This card encourages us to take charge and to determine our own future with the same level of passi...
Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Posted by John Taylor on
Card Description
The Page of Swords uses the swords as a weapon for the exploration of thought. When this card enters the deck, it is an encouragement to seek out new experiences and to take risks. With the page's flowing hair and with the birds in the background, it also lays the groundwork for the other face cards to illustrate the element of a...
Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Posted by John Taylor on
Card Description
The Ten of Swords marks the end of the numbered card in the swords suit. Naturally, therefore, the card is about endings. It depicts a dead man in a battlefield. Rather than harping on the lost, however, the card encourages us to focus on the peace, glory, and rest that comes with endin...