Tarot Card Meaning — Tarot

King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Posted by John Taylor on

Card Description

The King of Pentacles represents the attainment of spiritual maturity. He sits on his throne next to his big castle. Grapes surround him as he enjoys his material possessions. The King of Pentacles suggests we have authority over our wealth and encourages us to help others attain authority over the...

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Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Posted by John Taylor on

Card Description

The Queen of Pentacles sits on her throne in the middle of a garden while staring lovingly at the pentacle in her lap. The card illustrates authority through compassion. In stead of ruling with an iron fist, the queen allows things to grow on  their own. In her patience, she becomes one with the world around h...

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Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Posted by John Taylor on

Card Description

The Knight of Pentacles stands firmly upon tilled ground, gazing into the complexities of the pentacle. He is heavily armoured and ready for anything that my come his way. The Knight of Pentacles illustrates being eternally prepared to enact your vision whenever the time is rig...

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Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Posted by John Taylor on

Card Description


Like all of the Page cards, The Page of Pentacles illustrates the beginning of an idea. Here, the page begins to appreciate the material world. He carefully observes the pentacle to make sure he isn't missing anything. While not a master, the page exhibits the spark of curiosity that begins the path to mast...

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Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Posted by John Taylor on

Card Description

The Ten of Pentacles marks the end of the numbered card in the Pentacle suit. The card illustrates and old man and his family behind ten pentacle sin the shape of the cabalistic Tree of Life. The old man has reached material fulfilment in his life and thus gained enlightenment. Instead of hoarding his possessions, he shares his abundance with his fam...

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