Blessed by the Goddess Message Cards Blue Angel

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Blessed by the Goddess Message Cards

Loving Messages from the Global and Cosmic Collective of Divine Mothers

The Goddess shares her compassionate wisdom to re-mother, protect, nurture, and gently guide you. This sisterhood of Divine Mothers, a diverse collective of cosmic energies, is ready to help you cultivate your truth, strength and courage. Card by card, this deck offers supportive messages for powerful results. Discover the soul lessons within your experiences and joy that is now within your reach. Includes 55 message cards, plus instruction card and title card.
Weight 1 lb(s)
ISBN 978-1-64671-078-2
Size Box measures 3.5” x 4.3”; 57 cards measure 1.75” x 3.9”
Language EN
Author Lucy Cavendish
Also by the Same Author
Oracle of the Dragonfae,  Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle,  Oracle of the Mermaids,  Les Vampires,  The Faery Forest: An Oracle of the Wild Green World,  Magickal Spellcards,  Alice: The Wonderland Oracle,  Blessed Be Cards,  Foxfire: The Kitsune Oracle,  Faery Blessing Cards,  Oracle of the Hidden Worlds,  Magickal Messages From The Mermaids,  Because I Love Myself: Healing Messages of Love From Your Soul to Your Self,  Dragon Magick Oracle Cards: 55 Cards For Energy & Empowerment,  Faery Whispers Oracle Cards: Magickal Messages from the Realm of Enchantment,  Secrets of the Witch Oracle Cards: Mysteries and Magicks from the Cauldron of the Wise Ones