Eternal Light: 55 Guidance Cards for All That You Are

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Eternal Light Guidance Cards

Your timeless self is waiting to connect with you. You are never alone. You are a multidimensional channel of love, light and creativity. The same magical force that flows through all creation streams through you. Feel its vibrance and protection as you choose a card. Be guided by the voice of your wise, eternal soul for direction, inspiration and gentle reminders for a blessed tomorrow. Includes 55 cards, plus instruction and title cards.

Weight 1 lb(s)
ISBN 978-1-64671-079-9
Size Box measures 3.5” x 4.3”; 57 cards measure 1.75” x 3.9”
Language EN
Author Toni Carmine Salerno
Also by the Same Author
Angels, Gods, & Goddesses,  Lovers Oracle,  Crystal Oracle,  Magdalene Oracle,  Ask an Angel,  Gaia Oracle,  Healing Angel Cards,  Sacred Earth Oracle,  Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet Oracle