Crow Tarot Pocket Edition - Unveil the Mystical Power of Crows

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Crow Tarot Pocket Edition - Unveil the Mystical Power of Crows

The "Crow Tarot Pocket Edition" by MJ Cullinane is a tribute to the enigmatic and mystical energy of crows and ravens. This pocket-sized 78-card deck blends the familiar symbolism of the traditional Rider-Waite® Tarot with the unique insights of these intelligent birds, making it a perfect tool for intuitive readings and self-discovery. The accompanying 128-page guidebook provides detailed interpretations for each card, including upright and reversed meanings, and introduces a custom Crow Tarot Spread.

Key Features:

- Crow-Inspired Imagery: The deck captures the essence of crows and ravens, symbolizing intuition and transformation.

- Unique Crow Tarot Spread: Explore a custom tarot spread designed specifically for this deck.

- Rider-Waite® Symbolism: Familiar for beginners yet rich in depth for seasoned readers.

- In-depth Guidebook: Offers comprehensive meanings, making it suitable for all levels of tarot enthusiasts.

- Portable Size: Compact and easy to carry, ideal for tarot readings on the go.