Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Posted by John Taylor on

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

(The above image is a copy of The Three of Pentacles card in a standard Rider-Waite Tarot deck. The 5 symbols pointed out above are explained below.)


Card Description

The Three of Pentacles depicts three figures huddled together in a crypt. Two of the figures provide the architectural plans while one of them implements its. Together, the three figures illustrate the importance of teamwork and collaboration, without which the beauty of the crypt could never have been realized.

If you are looking for a deck of Tarot cards, check out our standard Rider-Waite deck here or check out one of our recent arrivals here.

For more information about The Three of Pentacles card, check out A. E. Waite’s description here.


Point 1 – SCULPTOR

The Sculptor in the card represents our active consciousness. We, like the sculptor, mold our material possessions to conform to our vision. Notably, the sculptor transforms the dark cavern into an ornate catacomb. The sculptor thus encourages us to transform our dull possessions into something beautiful.


Point 2 – MONK

The monk represents the divine masculine. He gives the space created by the sculpture a purpose. Together with the nun, they illustrate the harmonious sublime previous seen in the High Priestess/Hierophant cards.


Point 3 – NUN

The nun represents the divine feminine. She gives the space created by the sculptor a purpose and adds needed color to the dreary crypt. Together with the monk, they illustrate the harmonious sublime previous seen in the High Priestess/Hierophant cards.



The pentacles in the card are carved into the crypt by the sculptor. Rather than being symbols in of themselves, the pentacles merge with the environment and add aesthetic appeal to the card. It is here that they most clearly represent the beauty of the material world.


Point 5 – CRYPT

The crypt itself provides an illustrate of the pentacle. The crypt, like all material things, is dead. This doesn’t mean however that the crypt is ghostly. It is beautiful. The crypt is a celebration of life in the same way that material things can be used as a celebration of spiritual things.


Tarot Reading


An Upright Three of Pentacles encourages you to seek out collaboration in order to accomplish your vision. Nobody can go it alone. Whenever you work within a group, the diversity of opinions inherently makes the project better. The sculptor in the card could not have built the crypt by himself. He needed plans, financial support and tools to help him out. An Upright Three of Pentacles suggests that when in doubt, ask someone to help you out.



A Reverse Three of Pentacles suggests that something is off in your group dynamic. Perhaps personal opinions are getting in the way of progress. Perhaps there is a mutual lack of respect going on. In any case, a Reverse Three of Pentacles encourages you to work through those roadblocks, talk through any disagreements, so that the project can move forward.


For more Tarot Card Meanings, check out our blog here.




About the author: John Taylor is a content writer and freelancer through the company You may view his freelancing profile here. He has a B. A. in English, with a specialty in technical writing, from Texas A&M University and a M. A. in English from the University of Glasgow. You may view his previous articles about Tarot here and his LinkedIn profile here.

John Taylor Head shot

Last update date: 03/13/21


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