Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Posted by John Taylor on


Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

(The above image is a copy of The Two of Pentacles card in a standard Rider-Waite Tarot deck. The 5 symbols pointed out above are explained below.)


Card Description

The Two of Pentacles illustrates a man juggling the pentacles while balancing on one foot. Whenever we are faced with a lot of responsibility, we may feel like this man trying to keep the performance going. This card encourages us to seek out the balance that this man has achieved.

If you are looking for a deck of Tarot cards, check out our standard Rider-Waite deck here or check out one of our recent arrivals here.

For more information about The Two of Pentacles card, check out A. E. Waite’s description here.


Point 1 – MAN

The Two of Pentacles features a playful man dancing and juggling the two pentacles. The man’s carefree nature reveals how we should approach life. Instead of a dreary serious scene depicted in other two cards, this one is lighthearted. We need to approach the ups and downs of life’s material possessions with grace and joy.


Point 2 – HAT

The man’s hat is an homage to The Fool’s red plume. Hilariously large, the hat illustrates the need for fun in one’s life. It reiterates the man’s association with The Fool and enlightenment through playfulness.



The pentacles themselves illustrate the high and low points of our material possessions. There are times in our life where we have it all and other times where we are scraping by. The Two of Pentacles suggest that we carry each of those times equally.


Point 4 – GREEN BAND

A green band wraps around the pentacles and forms the infinity sign. This reveals the infinite variations of experience in between the highest and lowest points of our lives. The infinity symbol is also a call back to major tarot cards like The Magician and The Strength.


Point 5 – SHIPS

In the background of a turbulent sea, there are two ships that bob up and down. This is meant to be a reflection of the high and low pentacles. Something to note is that despite the turbulent sea, the ships are sailing successfully, implying that we can survive any number of hardships.


Tarot Reading


An Upright Two of Pentacles suggests that you are having to manage various responsibilities. Perhaps you have a new job or are a new parent. You are trying to determine what your priorities are. An Upright Two of Pentacles encourages you to be mindful of the decisions you make and to take confidence in your choice.



A Reverse Two of Pentacles warns you that perhaps you lack a balance in your life. Maybe you are working to hard and forgetting your friends and family. Maybe you are making risky financial decisions without a backup plan. A Reverse Two of Pentacles encourages you to take a moment and to rearrange your priorities to the best of your situation.


For more Tarot Card Meanings, check out our blog here.




About the author: John Taylor is a content writer and freelancer through the company You may view his freelancing profile here. He has a B. A. in English, with a specialty in technical writing, from Texas A&M University and a M. A. in English from the University of Glasgow. You may view his previous articles about Tarot here and his LinkedIn profile here.

John Taylor Head shot

Last update date: 03/11/21

1 comment

  • This is wonderful! Very uplifting and more thorough than any other interpretations I’ve read, and I have read a lot!!!!! I love how he emphasizes the playful part and the symbolism!!!! Just wonderful!!!! Does he have a book?!

    Star on

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